The Institute for Mindful Agriculture’s mission is researching and developing a new agricultural picture.
IMA widens the frame and reconnects the missing pieces.
Cultivating a healthy Earth
Agriculture does more than produce food and fiber. It’s an activity that has influence over the ecological, social, and inner life experiences, from field-side to planet-wide. Agriculture cultivates the Earth. Can we do agriculture in a way that cultivates more health than harm?
Foodshed Values
The agriculture we’re talking about is “agriculture in the wider sense”. The entire foodshed- all parts of the food value chain- from farm soil and seed to grocery shelf and table, to the people working and living along the value chain, to the biodiverse habitats that shape everything from farmland to the weather need to be considered in this web of value.
Three Soils
IMA developed the Three Soils Framework, which shows how the health of the earth beneath our feet, our social world, and the quality of our consciousness and inner experience depend on one another. We have observed how intervention in only one realm always falls short of the bigger solution we collectively seek. We believe that cultivating a richer web of value in agriculture and on Earth requires simultaneously engaging with all three “soils”.
Action research
Action research is a methodology toward transformational change. IMA uses this collaborative process of simultaneous action, research, and critical reflection with individuals, businesses and organizations across the foodshed.
Consulting or co-learning? We value what we can learn from your agricultural experience. Together we can find the right form of exploration and learning to help your land, business or organization make transformational change.