Agriculture: old way, new story.

There are three major Disconnects in modern society: Ecological, Social, Spiritual. Agriculture has been a part of driving these disconnects.

IMA’s Three Soils Framework helps harness Agriculture’s emerging role as healer.


Ecological Soil


Problem: Disconnect of human beings from the life of the earth and the healthy practice of agricultural techniques.

Remedy: Growing healthy Ecological Soil through regenerative agriculture techniques – inspired by the holistic approach of biodynamic agriculture.

Social Soil

Problem: Disconnect of human beings from the suffering and pain of one another caused by an inequitable food system.

Remedy: Developing regional food sheds that are formed by growing Social Soil among all the players in our food system: producers, eaters, food processors and food distribution handlers.

Inner Soil

Problem: Disconnect within each human being of finding a meaningful way to be in creative relationship with self, human community and the Earth.

Remedy: Cultivation of the Inner Soil within each human being by ‘coming to our senses’ through reflective inner practice relating to life, beauty and sacredness of nature and our Earth as a Planetary Being.


Areas of Interest

Our projects and programs are designed to repair ecological, social, and spiritual disconnection in food and farming, specializing in these areas:


Regenerative Agriculture

Research, programs and projects that contribute to the further development of re-generative and biodynamic farming techniques, specific research into natural soils, training the next generation of farmers, and making sure their lives are socially sustainable.


Research, programs and projects that help to form a Hudson Valley Food Shed which promotes food access for all regardless of income.

Hudson Valley Foodshed


Research programs and projects that evolve the concept of “Spiritual Ecology” through the medium of sensory attunement, place-based walks, meditative, and inner reflective work.

Spiritual Ecology


Promoting, contributing to and leading the development of collaborative action by helping to facilitate structured conversations within groups and organizations through the social technology tools of the Presencing Institute and others.

Collaborative Action