koberwitz impulse

The “Koberwitz Impulse”—Biodynamics and the Institute for Mindful Agriculture, Part 1

The “Koberwitz Impulse”—Biodynamics and the Institute for Mindful Agriculture, Part 1

The Internet, journals, papers, twitter and the blogosphere are overflowing with talk and conversations on agriculture and food. Since the publication of Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma in 2006 our awareness and consciousness on food issues has reached new and amazing heights. Already in the early 2000s when the USDA invited public comments on its “Organic Rule” it received more comments than on any issue ever!  What is going on here? Why is this happening, and can we detect some underlying patterns? These questions and a few more are at the root of a new initiative: The Institute for Mindful Agriculture.